A Lighthouse Project for a Self-Sufficient Energy Supply
Günther Cramer Solar Academy

A Lighthouse Project for a Self-Sufficient Energy Supply
The new building of the SMA Solar Academy allows to experience one of SMA’s visions – a reliable renewable energy supply, anywhere in the world. The building is energy self-sufficient and, at the same time, carbon neutral. The SMA Solar Academy is therefore a true lighthouse project, both from a technological and architectural perspective.
Energy Concept SMA Solar Academy
Bringing Energy to Life
Besonderes Augenmerk haben wir bei der Planung auf die Erlebbarkeit des Energiekonzepts gelegt. Bereits am Eingang werden Besucher durch eine Tafel begrüßt, auf der der Verbrauch oder das eingesparte CO2 als grüne LED-Zahl angezeigt wird. Die fassadenintegrierte Solar-Anlage ist zudem das zentrale Gestaltungselement im Innen- und Außenbereich. Für jeden einsehbar sind der Batterieraum mit den Sunny Island-Wechselrichtern sowie die Technikzentrale, die als begehbares Informationszentrum dient. Und eine zweifarbige LED-Beleuchtung des Batterieraumes zeigt rund um die Uhr den Ladezustand der Batterie.

An Ideal Learning Environment
Although the SMA Solar Academy only uses a minimal amount of energy, there is no need to give up any conveniences. Our main priority was for our visitors to feel comfortable and to offer them perfect learning conditions . For example, the building has the right temperature and is well-ventilated all year. In addition, all the seminar rooms have modern equipment such as digital boards, and a sufficient number of test workstations to work directly on individual devices.
A visit to the SMA Solar Academy is an experience – in every respect. Come and see for yourself!

Be a Solar Expert
SMA Solar Academy
How to find us
The SMA Solar Academy is in Niestetal (near Kassel), Germany. We are located in the middle of Germany and therefore easy to reach.
You can get here by car or conveniently by train, arriving at the Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe ICE train station. From there, you can reach SMA via taxi or public transport.
When visiting us with an electric vehicle you find charging stations in row B of our parking lot. Please pick up the keycard for unlocking the charging stations at the reception of our Solar Academy.

Hotel recommendations
Here is a list of recommended hotels with special SMA rates for our guests.