

Webinar: SMA Commercial Off-Grid Solution with the new Sunny Island X

Webinar: SMA Commercial Off-Grid Solution with the new Sunny Island X| 27 MAR | 10:00-12:15 MEZ

This webinar will introduce you to the SMA solution for commercial off-grid projects with the new Sunny Island X battery inverter.

Target group:

Renewable energy professionals


  • SMA Off-Grid solutions
  • The new Sunny Island X battery inverter
  • New use cases for commercial off-grid applications
  • Main SMA components: Sunny Island X, Hybrid Controller and Data Manager M
  • AC Connection Box


We recommend basic knowledge about off-grid projects with SMA inverters

Internet connection and suitable computer (e.g. notebook, tablet) in order to participate via browser or app. You can comfortably attend this webinar from home via your computer or tablet. All you need is an up-to-date browser, an internet connection and speakers or a headset. You will receive your access data for the webinar in a separate e-mail shortly before the training starts. The slides used during the webinar will be sent after the webinar session.

Learning objectives:

Understanding the new SMA concept for commercial off-grid systems.


135 min incl. 15 minutes break

Please note that this webinar is held in Central European Time (CET). If necessary, please make adjustments for the start time based on your local time zone.



Webinar: SMA Commercial Off-Grid Solution with the new Sunny Island X
